I want to thank you all again for your sweet comments
last week. I appreciated every single one of them. This morning, I pulled a name out of a bowl, and the winner of the notecard giveaway is Sarah, at
TD Wool Designs. Please send me your snail mail address, Sarah, and I'll get the cards into the mail right away.
Sometimes at this time of year (especially this morning, when there is freezing rain falling outside) I begin to feel like I'm spinning my wheels just a bit. My "to do" lists begin to blur together, my energy slips, my intentions get foggy...maybe you know this feeling? Well, lately I have been enjoying a few different partnerships with folks I admire and respect. I have created "accountability partnerships" with them. One is a local friend, and we get together periodically to set goals and hold one another accountable to them. Not in a nagging, cranky way, but in a supportive and collaborative way. I stay connected with the other partner, someone who lives further away, via technology.
When we share our goals and aspirations, we write them down and "own" them, and commit to getting them done. Somehow, it's not so easy to push the projects aside for more "urgent" things when I have someone to answer to! Most of the things I've committed to are focused around creativity. And now that I think about it, Batman and I have created a partnership to boost our health by eating better and walking for exercise.
So here's my invitation. Would you like to articulate just one thing you would really like to accomplish this week? Not something you should do, or need to do. Just one thing that would make you happy to have accomplished by Friday. Something that might have otherwise gotten lost in the shuffle of the week's activities...
Maybe if we write our one goal here in the comments, we can be motivated by accountability, and we'll have some fun things to celebrate on Friday.
(I am going to sew up
this apron, from a pattern I bought at
Nido late last summer. I have been meaning to make it for ages. This week I'll just DO IT!)
Are you in?