inhale...exhale...relax your shoulders...repeat as often as needed

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Flannel jammies, a new book, knitting, a remote control and a hotel room all to myself.  Pretty sweet.  When my eyes glaze over with the Academy Award nonsense, I'll move on to reading, and then turn out the light out whenever I want to.  Bliss.

Had a very long overdue and good visit with our old buddies in La Grange.  We were neighbors and had kids the same ages and we all sort of grew up together.  They are some of my favorite people in the whole world.  We had not seem them in many years, and we just picked up right where we had left off. It was very hard to say good bye this morning. 

Then we went to church, where it was youth Sunday and had hugs and quick catch ups where we could.  

We moved away from the midwest in '96, and there have been a lot of changes, of course, but I love that the stuff between good friends can carry on over the distance of miles and time. 

This afternoon was filled with a three hour drive on a very flat and straight interstate highway. Gretta is a good traveling companion and we enjoyed SIRIUS radio in the rental car. She is staying in a dorm tonight and will sit in on classes tomorrow and I will join her for a campus tour.  I'll be curious to see whether we decide to buy a school sweatshirt or not.....


  1. Sounds like pure bliss...enjoy! (I've never heard of that book before....looked it up on Amazon and it sounds wonderful!)

  2. That's a great book! Glad you're having a good trip, Karen.
